Monday, January 31, 2011

JOINT PAIN: Should I give it some time, or go see a doctor?

This is a VERY common question, and a good one.  We've all had "aches & pains" before, and most of the time they go away on their own, without any special treatment or doctor visits.

But how do you know when giving it some time might actually be making it worse?  Here are some good general rules.

When to call 911:
  1. Bleeding
  2. Exposed bone or tendon
When to seek immediate medical attention:
  1. Joint deformity (it "doesn't look right")
  2. Inability to use the joint (it won't bend, bear weight, etc.)
  3. Intense pain (enough to make you "wince", limp, etc.)
  4. Sudden swelling (ever sprained your ankle?)
  5. "Weird" symptoms (numbness, tingling, "doesn't feel right")
When it's okay to wait:
  1. Pain only happens once
  2. Joint moves normally
  3. All symptoms are mild (feels "stiff, sore or achey")
  4. Moving the joint actually relieves symptoms
  5. Symptoms improve quickly
NOTE: If your pain starts happening more often, is more severe each time you get it, or takes longer to go away, see a doctor!  You could be doing additional damage.

And if you're unsure whether or not you should get help, DO.  It's always better to get it and not need it, than to need it and not get it.


1 comment:

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