Monday, January 31, 2011

NEW STUDY: Simple changes in jumping technique prevent ACL injuries

 Knee injuries are the scourge of the jumping athlete, whatever their sport.  A new study from UC Davis finds that the risk of sustaining these injuries can be greatly reduced, simply by changing the way you jump & land.

The changes are simple:
  1. Jump straight up (no broad jumping)
  2. Land on your toes (not your heels)
  3. Bend your knees more deeply on landing
These 3 changes reduced shear forces in the knee by 56% in the female basketball players tested, significantly reducing strain on the ACL ligament.  Researchers also found that players jumped an inch higher on average when using these techniques.

Interestingly enough, we've been teaching our athlete patients these rules of jumping for years.

For the full article, click here:


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